Distribution – Channel 4

Channel 4 as a company and entertainment industry distribute their programmes through many different ways. Channel 4 are a large company with a very large surface area of viewers across the country and in some cases and they will broadcast through many different distributors.


One of the ways in which channel 4 is distributed is through international distribution. This is when channel 4 shows can be broadcast-ed and distributed in other countries. Channel 4 do this by selling some of their shows to other companies abroad and use their own online service for audiences overseas to view.

Channel 4 sold the rights to most of their channels to international companies abroad to increase their profit. Shows such as “Super Nanny” and others where sold for distribution purpose.


Another way channel 4 is distributed is through national distribution. Channel 4 is nationally funded, which means all kind of media platform can view channel 4 in the UK


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